Marci Tabor
4 months ago
They present themselves as compassionate, but they’re not. Patients are herded through like cattle. I’m asked the same exact questions every visit. I’ve seen the Doctor only twice in a year’s time. They spend zero time talking to me about my pain or concerns. When I called to ask to speak to my Doctor I was told I couldn’t and that I could only leave a message with a nurse specialist. I requested my records from my orthopedic doctor and my neurosurgeon but they hadn’t received them so the nurse practitioner saw fit to spend my appointment time yelling at me for it. Do NOT choose this pain management clinic. They don’t help you manage anything!!!
Kim Dillion
a month ago
I have taken my friend to this clinic for a couple of appointments. Her experience with this "clinic" was horrible! She has been belittled and actually yelled at by them! I am a chronic pain patient myself and have never seen such horrid treatment as this. They treated her like nothing more than an addict off the street seeking pain meds even though she has many medical records proving that that is not the case. Do NOT go to this clinic for any reason whatsoever....just read the many reviews..... they speak for themselves.
Don Trimble
3 months ago
Wait times are crazy long. You don't know why, because they rush you out of the room within seconds of getting done with the appointment, back out to the waiting room to wait another 15-20 minutes for prescriptions, hoping they don't forget about you. If you get Dr. Dann your doing good, otherwise it's a crapshoot on the quality of care. However, the main reason I'm giving this review is the bathroom. The Urinal in the men's room has been leaking for awhile, urine has built up on the exposed piping, and there must be a years worth of bacteria on the fittings. This is a medical clinic. People coming here have compromised immune systems. Maybe spend a few more $ on janitorial. Disgusting!