Guillaume Albina
4 weeks ago
I have so much to say but I will try to keep this short ,but I know it’s not possible. Back in 1980 I injured my right hip/leg playing football and never had it looked at. My parents pretty much were like “Hey no blood, no bones sticking just move along”. So, I walked around with a noticeable outward kick of my right leg without ever really noticing it myself until I saw my reflection while walking toward a glass wall a few years ago. Over the years the pain from that injury was gone but the kick remained like a bad habit.
8 months ago my ego got the best of me and I foolishly attempted to bench press 125 lb dumbbells. Bad move! My mind was like we can do this, but my body quickly showed me it wasn’t going to happen. In an attempt to save the weights from dropping I twisted my body resulting in 3 bulging discs in my lower back.
I went to several doctors, took x-rays, did MRI’s, had physical therapy, took countless pain medications, and even tried acupuncture trying to get rid of the lower back pain. Getting out of bed every morning was hell!
A good friend of mine recommended I try getting an adjustment and recommended I see Dr. Johnson at Advanced Chiropractic Relief. I was of course very skeptical seeing how I’ve tried so many other things and nothing worked before, so I put off for months.
I had my first appointment last week Monday 8/16/2021 and all I could ask myself is why I didn’t try this sooner. That left leg kick went away instantly and my lower back pain outside of some slight soreness was completely gone. Today 8/24/2021 I went back for a follow up adjustment and feel even better than after my first visit.
Thank you so much Dr. Johnson! You have no idea how great I feel! I for sure will be sure to tell everyone I meet about you! Thank you and Mrs. Johnson for your kindness and for the awesome service that you provide.
May God Bless you both always!
Christopher Rossiter
4 months ago
I spent a few years watching and researching several chiropractors and physical therapists around the U.S. I was dealing with some chronic pain on and off for the last several years. I am not disappointed with my choice to have come here. Even halfway through my treatment here, most of that pain has already vanished. Feeling and strength have been restored to areas of my body that I didn’t have, tension headaches dissipated, etc... no more numbness and tingling 🤗 If you’re considering going, I highly recommend it to improve your overall quality of life. These people care about their patients and don’t shrug off the little things that most doctor’s offices would do. Dr. Johnson and Mrs. Johnson make you feel welcome the second you walk into their offices. One of the best decisions I have ever made was coming to seek treatment with Dr. Gregory Johnson. He’s also a car nut, and that’s pretty cool 🙂
Melanie M
11 months ago
Felt instant relief and posture is a lot better. Felt weird to me at first because I felt pain everyday... and then it was gone. I didn’t know what pain-free felt like anymore since it’s been so long! If you’re nervous about going... don’t be. I was super nervous but so happy that I went.
sepehr noorizadeh
9 months ago
By far the best adjustments ever! If you're still looking around and deciding whether you should go, stop looking around and just go, you won't regret. I had experience with 2 other chiropractors and felt worse. If someone was going to "fix" it, it was going to be Dr. Johnson. I had 2 adjustments a day for 3 days and felt improvement for the most part almost immediately after. When I felt the most relief was a few days after the adjustment when the muscles relaxed. My pain was due to my posture as a result of working on the computer at home and not being cognizant of how my posture would have effected everything else. This one adjustment helped me so much that I can now sleep much better, work much better and focus on my day much better. My experience with Dr. Johnson has definitely had an impact on me. Worth the trip to Houston. If cost is your concern, please work towards finding a way to get to pay for this. Good Healthcare costs, bad Healthcare costs even more in the long term when all things considered. Don't just let anyone and everyone give you the wrong care.
Also, side note for those of you reading this: (completley irrelevant to the adjustment - get your Vitamin D levels checked and if you're deficient, talk to a doctor about supplements to correct it. If your doctor refuses to test you for Vitamin D levels, demand it until they run it. If they continue to refuse, look for another doctor or order your own vitamin d level through Quest Diagnostics. Look up the side effects of being Vitamin D deficient and you will feel the improvement after your levels have normalized).
R Rosales
7 months ago
Yes, not a patient. No, not a internet troll. But as a potential future patient looking at your reviews, whether good or bad,..... whomever responds the negative reviews should have a better, more professional response than calling everyone trolls. Regardless if they're truthful or not, it's a turnoff to people looking at how you respond to criticism!👎