Cindy Meyer
5 months ago
Walk mart is a store to shop at like all store they do not have everything you need that true
I had just recently had my wallet stolen which means I did not have my driver's license on my debit card or my credit card for my checkbook I just put a stop on it everything and waiting for the replacement to come through the bank in the meantime had given me some counter check I was very upset because I had realized my billfold wasn't with me and when I went to find it and have been stolen I had to stop at the bank to report everything get new checks coming in so they gave me counter check so I can write check in the meantime well stair machine will not take my check I was married. I have plenty of money in the bank but it just could not read my check so I left your very mad because now I have to go back and Shop all over again for the same item that I was just trying to pay for in lately I have trouble remembering everything that I buy or that I want to buy so I may forget something it next time around but like I said I am very upset because they would not accept my check and I have been shopping there for quite a few years
Richard Corbin
11 months ago
Shortages still going on. Why!
What happened to Corporate Greed, someone turn it off? Can't get Chlorox Bleach, rubbing alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, soups. Assembly lines break down? What are they not telling us? Is this on-purpose? Is this a set-up? It no longer makes logical sense.
Gina Light Tanner
8 months ago
This Walmart is such a blessing in our community. The people are sooo friendly. They hire from all age groups and walks of life, which gives great diversity in experience for the service staff. They take care of you when you have problems. They walk you to the area you need to be at if they sense you are still confused about where to locate something. They treat kids and the elderly with respect when shopping. The store is always clean and organized. I am happy to shop there.
Larae Annette
a year ago
I met one of the best Walmart employees ever at this store, and I visit Walmart all over the country. Sprout went above and beyond to help me, even after I had given up on trying to find the item I wanted, she didn't; she actually paged me over the Entercom to show me that she had found it. The great part is that it wasn't even her department! As we all know, the Walmart motto should be " its not my department ". Sprout has put a good mark on the board for the store
Snow Flake
9 months ago
The people greeter was so funny and amazing for as early as I was and she wears that super big black mask. Anyhow much love Wal-Mart and I appreciate y'all. Please add liquor and beer though Sheridan I guarantee would appreciate it. Oh yeah for I forget her name right now but remember transgender rights